What colors do hardwood floors come in

To Choose Hardwood Flooring, Just Start Here

Frustrated and confused trying to choose hardwood flooring for your Denver home? At Denver’s Choice Hardwood Floors, we understand. There is an endless array of hardwood flooring options out there which makes choosing floors no easy feat. We’ve worked with countless homeowners who come to us after searching online and in-store only to have no idea what…
hardwood floor installer

5 Tips to Help Keep Your Hardwood Floor Looking New, Part 2

Last month, we started our list of tips to keep your hardwood floor in tip-top shape. So, without further ado, here’s the rest of the list from Denver’s Choice Hardwood Floors 3. Don’t Mop Too Frequently One mistake that is far too common among hardwood floor owners is their frequency of mopping. I know what…
new hardwood floors

5 Tips to Help Keep Your Hardwood Floor Looking New, Part 1

You finally took the leap: you installed new hardwood flooring in your home. And the reactions have been incredibly positive. Your home has the classic look of your dreams and you couldn’t be happier with your decision. But you want to make sure that wood flooring looks as great for many years to come. What’s…
hardwood floor choices

Homeowner’s Guide: Hardwood Flooring vs. Engineered

Are you in need of new flooring for your space? Want to leave your friends and family feeling floored by your new floors, but not sure how to pick the right option? Then it’s time to explore your options. Today, Denver’s Choice Hardwood Floors explains the difference between hardwood flooring and engineered, so you can…

5 Benefits of Solid Hardwood Flooring

Solid hardwood flooring is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after features for people looking to buy a home. They are so popular in fact that over 50% of buyers said they would pay more for a home with it. Because of this, current homeowners are tearing up their carpets to expose the wood underneath…
what color do hardwood floors come in

Wood Flooring Guide: Installing Hardwood Floors

Thinking about installing hardwood floors for your current home or a new purchase? In this second blog of our two-part series from the team at Denver’s Choice Hardwood Floor, we’ll break down the installation process, so you know what to expect. This is the process that you can expect to follow when installing hardwood floors…

Wood Flooring Guide: Hiring Hardwood Floor Installers

In 2016, homeowners spent over $2 billion combined on hardwood floors. It’s no secret, then, that hardwood floors are back in style and here to stay! If you’re looking to join those that recognize the beauty of hardwood floors, then it’s time to take action. In this two-part guide from the team at Denver’s Choice…

Top 3 Trends for Wood Floors (That We Love)

Whether building or renovating, nothing surpasses hardwood flooring. Its beauty and durability make it an excellent investment that will even increase the value of your home. So, what’s trending in the world of wood floors? Because customers of Denver’s Choice Hardwood Floors rely on us to guide them through the process of choosing wood flooring…

Choosing Hardwood Floors in 3 Simple Steps

There is a dizzying array of options out there which makes choosing hardwood floors no easy feat. At Denver’s Choice Hardwood Floors, we understand. We’ve worked with countless homeowners who come to us frustrated and confused. Here, we’ve narrowed down the steps to help you focus on the key factors to determine the right wood…